Over the past 5 years, Biza iAfrica has worked on a number of different projects for the City of Ekurhuleni.
The projects completed range from a number of different categories & theses are some of them;
Construction of ablution blocks, Germiston Lake-2017
Rehabilitation of Wetlands, Withospruit- 2018
Development & Park Upgrades, Thokoza & Springs- 2018
Development of 11 new parks, Lungile Mtshali Park Project- 2019
Development & upgrade of Kempton Park Entrance- 2020
Development & upgrade of Etwatwa Township Entrance- 2020
Development & upgrade of Horwoods Farm. Edenvale- 2020
The project work completed encompassed, installation of paving, outdoor gym equipment, park furniture (concrete bins bollards& benches, table sets) & Children’s play equipment. Rubber surfacing, Installations if lawn and planting of trees & shrubs. The construction of a seating wall, fencing and installing concrete pylons.